Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26 Arrived in Tegucigalpa, Honduras

I left Orlando, Florida this morning and arrived in Tegucigalpa, Honduras this afternoon after a short stop over in Miami where I met up with Derm and Viola Westcott (VisionQuest 2012 Leaders) and Dave and Claudia Chafe ( a couple from Newfoundland who are business owners). We flew over the Florida Keyes, Cuba and then down the coast of Central America.

Tegucigalpa is nestled in amongst some mountains so the flight actually did some serious zigzagging through the mountains before it touched down in the City...I really mean zigzagging and I really mean in the City. You can see the road in these photos taken from the plane.The grey in the foreground is the wing of the plane as we are approaching the runway. No zoom lens required! The runway was one of the top ten most dangerous in the world up until a few years ago when they extended the runway by about 400 feet.

We met just before supper to pray over the gifts, goods, supplies and offerings we have brought to distribute to the four Missionary groups we will be meeting with over the next few days. This next photo of the figure and Derm is very symbolic of the prayer we prayed earlier.

On Tuesday we will be visiting two children feeding centers in the hills outside Tegucigalpa with the first two of the Missionaries we will be meeting with. These centers are supported by funds from coffee sales through I just received an email from Jeff Vaters and his daughter Kelsey with a link to a You Tube video filmed at Bethesda Church recently. They are singing "Cover Me" which is appropriate "for such a time as this" for the five of us on VisionQuest 2012, for the Missionaries working here we will be meeting with and for the children and people of Honduras they serve.

You can also click on this link to view the Video of Jeff and Kelsey Singing "Cover Me"

.....and lastly, feel free to comment on the Blog in the Comment window below.


  1. HI Val,
    It's Krista, AnneMarie and Sirley! We are wanting to view your pictures, but they didn't post. Can you try it again. Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. Take care, keep the posts coming! So exciting!

  2. Hey. Sorry about the pictures first time around. Should be corrected....Val

  3. Great first post Val! Look forward to following along thru the Blog

  4. Amazing pictures Val! I'm sure to enjoy seeing all that will come later. Take care of yourself.

  5. Nice pics Vale I am so glad to hear from you again.

    God bless you
