Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reflections on VisionQuest 2012 by Jim and Francis, Honduras Ministries

The Canada team arrived on March 28 and went right to work.  Jet lag and a two day adventure traveling made no difference.   First, the team was barricaded because of a local protest.  Wow!  What a way to start a mission.

Our plans were to visit a maternity ward with newborns and older children at a local hospital to pass out much needed blankets, diapers, and supplies newborns need plus give a hot meal to the family... burittas and a cool drink.  Our team permanently in Honduras representing Honduras Ministries and Asociacion Ministerios Pan de Vida waited outside the hotel until the commotion was cleared by local police.  Fortunately no one was injured as there was no violence.

We greeted each other in the hotel lobby and left immediately for the hospital.  The hospital was nearby.  Within a few minutes we had arrived and the teams joined together to pray for God’s direction and to discuss plans about where to visit and what to expect.  We were also joined with a third missionary group (Manos Extendidas) who met up with us on the maternity floor.  Viola, a member of the Canada team, is shown here passing out blankets and lots of love to a mother with a new born.  

Dave form Canada and Maria of Honduras are congratulating a new mom and, of course, giving lots of love and diapers.

We prayed for the moms and their new child at the moms’ request.

Next we visited the children’s ward where many that day had undergone an appendix operation.  It was an awesome experience to see the smiling faces that were suffering from so much pain but were full of joy! 

Some of the children delighted in praying.

We passed out many burritas with drinks to families who were in need.  The hospital we visited is a government ran hospital and is free to the poor.  Many can’t afford to purchase a meal, so often the patient has to share with their family.  The movement is based on love for our Lord blessing those who are in need.

We closed that day with a meal at a local restaurant having made lasting friendships with Christian friends from another part of the world, Canada.  

We thank God for this experience and His demonstration of love by sending these awesome Christians form far away to serve the needs of the less fortunate here in Honduras.  We and the people of Honduras are eternally grateful and richly blessed!

Our thanks to each of you,
May God continue having you pour out your love to the poor,
Jim and Francis Martin

This is a short video (about 3 minutes) on Honduras Ministries.This video will let you see into the hearts of Jim and Francis and the heart of Honduras Ministries!.....Val

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