Monday, April 9, 2012

Special Message from Judy and Randy Lundrigan from Schools of Hope

As I think back to a week ago when we said "see ya later"to the Vision Quest Team from Newfoundland, our hearts are still warmed by their kindness and compassion for God's work here and the underpriviledge children of Honduras.

It seemed like we had known this team for years, well Derm and Viola we have known for over 30 years as a matter of fact and they are very dear friends of ours. However the other participants stole our hearts almost immediately. Is it true that no matter where a Newfoundlander goes they fit right in? Maybe so, but whatever the case, they will have a good chunk of our hearts for a long time to come!
We were privileged to spend time with this wonderful group showing them Schools of Hope ministries and hearing their hearts as well for why they were here. They were very open to the 3 schools we serve and we felt they were compassionate to the 1000 children we serve. In a very special way, the kids really warmed up to them and they do NOT do that with just anyone.They obviously felt loved and accepted and safe reaching out to our new found "Newfie" friends.

Having come from Newfoundland ourselves we were touched by the kindness of the group bringing us many of our favourite things that we cannot get here and also numerous supplies to help in the schools that are also difficult or costly to get here. Even the puzzles they brought for the grade 1 and 2 classes were seemingly DIVINE. Who would have thought they could find bilingual puzzles and Bible puzzlesas well for the very topics we are teaching in the Public Schools!

We felt their visit was a God thing indeed. I don't know why but I kept filling up with tears the last few days they were here. I think I was feeling their emotion and knowing that God had done a deep work in their hearts. I know when someone comes to Honduras it just tends to grab a hold of you as the needs are so desperate. It has a way of making you wonder, "what can I do?"

So it will be interesting to see how the Vision Quest team goes forward from here and what impact God has made on each of their lives.

For us, their visit was encouraging not only from the blessing they were to us with aids for the ministry but just to have some good natured ENGLISH speaking folks to talk to and hang out with for a while was almost like a mini retreat for us. What apleasure they were to spend time with.

It was also a good opportunity to share what God does in Schools of Hope and help them obtain facts and knowledge about the plight of the children here if no one helps them. The more people we help make aware of the Honduran situation, the more children will receive HOPE that someone cares, someone loves them and there is a plan for the future of the Honduran children.
Thanks Vision Quest for coming to Honduras and thanks for all the goodies and school supplies. Please make sure you thank all the people who contributed to making our our week!

God bless until we meet again!

Judy and Randy Lundrigan
Directors: Schools of Hope and Child Care Plus Sponsorship Program Honduras
For more information on Schools of Hope contact us at or
Randy & Judy Lundrigan   
Global Workers in Tegucigalpa

Latin America and Caribbean Region
Telephone in Honduras (Internet Phone)       1-905-581-9702
Telephone in Honduras    011 -504-2239-0365  cell 011-504-3348-4944 
The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose.
And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God's workers. And you are God's field.   You are God's building. 1 Corinthians 3:8-9  

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